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Bin activatorbig bag products

Bin activator

Bin activator

The bin activator allows the extraction of powders in silos. It is suitable for fine and cohesive powders with a difficult flow. Extraction is carried out using a vibration system that does not require human intervention.
The ISERCO bin activator has multiple benefits:

  • It ensures a regular extraction
  • Emptying is generated automatically
  • It consumes less energy per extracted ton
  • It is silent
  • It allows reducing the vertical space requirement of a storage
  • Inexpensive because of its standard manufacturing
  • Its maintenance cost is negligible
  • It is a modular design allowing customization (in shape and

Our bin activators are made of carbon steel or stainless steel.
ISERCO’s know-how allows us to offer a standard range of bin activators but also a customizable range, available on request.

Fond Vibrant démontablefond vibrant démontable 3D

Bin activator with quick dismantling outlet

Bin activator with quick dismantling outlet

The bin activator is the essential extractor for your storage silos.

In addition to its standard range, ISERCO offers specific bin activators with characteristics that meet particular needs. This is the case of the bin activator with a quick dismantling outlet, which facilitates the cleaning when it is located in an inaccessible area. Its quick disassembly is also useful for reasons of hygiene, when it is necessary to clean the bin activator regularly, as in the food industry for example.

fond vibrant triple sortiefond vibrant à double sortie

Multi-outlet bin activator

Multi-outlet bin activator

The bin activator is placed under the silo, it allows the extraction of powders with the difficult flow, by a vibration system. This action does not require human intervention.
In addition to its standard range, ISERCO offers special bin activators, adapted to the production needs. The multi-outlet bin activator is one of the equipment designed to meet a specific demand. It is used in cases where it is necessary to bring the product to several parts of the production process. This type of bin activator also helps to increase the extraction rate of the powder contained in the silo.

According to the size of the bin activator and the feeding requirements, it is possible to produce a bin activator with up to five outlets.

The multi-outlet bin activator has many benefits:

  • It ensures a regular extraction
  • The emptying is generated automatically
  • It allows optimizing the production by increasing the flow of extracted product
  • It consumes less energy per extracted ton
  • It is silent
  • Its maintenance cost is negligible

Our bin activators are made of carbon steel or stainless steel.

fond vibrant acier rectangulairefond vibrant carré

Square or rectangular bin activator

Square or rectangular bin activator

ISERCO offers a wide range of industrial manufacturing bin activators with innovative features.

The bin activators manufactured by ISERCO are mostly round in shape. In some cases, around bin activator is not adapted to the existing storage silo. For this reason, ISERCO also offers square or rectangular bin activators to fit perfectly into the silo outlet.