ISERCO Spare parts for big bag

The safety, reliability and longevity of an equipment are directly linked to the use of perfectly adapted parts. By choosing original ISERCO parts, you put all the chances on your side.

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Big bag emptying door sealing, Iserco spare parts

Big bag emptying door sealing

Big bag emptying door sealing

The hygiene feature of a Big bag discharge device requires a perfect sealing of the device. Each big bag to be emptied will concern the operation of the door at least once (and twice if the big bag spout should be tightened). The concerned seal, made of synthetic rubber also is subject to temporal aging. It must be replaced at least every two years and more considering its wear.

Gaz cylinder, Iserco spare parts

Gas cylinders

Gas cylinders

Gas cylinders are mainly used for the big bag extension system in the emptying phase. But also on the lifting cross-members. They are also used to keep the vidbag hooper door open. Their access requires that the installation is free of any big bag. The gas cylinders are always in groups of 4 and must be in perfect mechanical condition to ensure their synchronisation. We advise you to replace them every two years as the safety of the station depends on their good condition.

Product indication sensor

Product indication sensor

Product indication sensor

ISERCO devices (bin activators, big bag emptying/filling stations) integrate more automated processes. For safety reasons, presence sensors are used to indicate to the PLC whether all the conditions for starting an operation have been met. Product detection sensors, which indicate the level of filling of a bag (start/end), are commonly used to avoid jams.

Their replacement depends on their use. We recommend regular checks on these sensors, especially on the condition of their connectors.

We recommend that the user has a model of detector available on site for each type used in the installation.

Shafts, Iserco spare parts



There are on the market many kinds of shaft manufacturing (continuous welds, rolled spiral or constant thickness). The shaft spiral allows the movement of a powder in a closed chamber using friction. There is always wearing on spire tops. The wearing of the shafts spiral depends on their uses. Their replacement will be immediately realized as soon as a loss of flow capacity will be noticed. Shaft spirals are made upon demand according to their specific side. That’s why we suggest keeping spare parts available near the workplace.

Tubular sheath ISERCOstainless steel sheath

Tubular sheath / trough

Tubular sheath/trough

This tubular sheath or trough “imprisons the shaft” so that the product can move inside.

The inside part of the sheath is also subject to frictions and then wear. The wear will depend on the conditions of use and do not require preventive replacement. However, we recommend that both the shaft and sheath are always kept in stock.


Unbalanced motors, Iserco spare part

Unbalanced motor

Unbalanced motor

The centrifugal force and frequency of the unbalanced motor(s) are chosen considering the device to move. An inappropriate choice of vibrator can cause malfunctioning of the equipment and, in the worst case, self-destructive phenomena (cracks).

The life of these motors depends on their use, so preventive replacement is not justified. However, we recommend that you keep at least one spare motor on site for possible replacement, as defined by ISERCO for each type of motor.

Silent-bloks, Iserco spare partssilent blocs

Vidbag silent blocks

Vidbag silent blocks

Silent blocks on VIDBAG have been selected based both on their ability to deform under load and filtrate vibrations. Just as those which equipped the bin activator suspension mounts, these ones are specific, and whatever their use, they also are subject to temporal wear. The silent blocks work in groups of 4. Their good condition increases the operator’s level of security but also the efficiency of the machine. We recommend you replace them every two years.